

“SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE” is the innovative creation of SRI SAIRAM MEDICAL TRUST and we are providing service in SRI SAIRAM HOSPITAL premises. our motto of this mission for terminal ill patients like cancer neurological disorder old age bed reddens patients and we are giving Palliative treatment, pain management, Psychological counseling and thereby they can live with dignity peace and hassle free life and for the symptoms and pain will give best treatment in our institute not only that we will counsel their family members and give respect to their emotional values. All these treatment and counseling will do Sri Sai Ram Hospital which is tied up with SRI SAIRAM MEDICAL TRUST. We reserve 40 beds for the SRI SAI RAM KARUNASARE. In SRI SAI RAM HOSPITAL we have a

expert doctor, well trained Nurses. With the practice of yoga and pranayama, bhajans and heritage culture we will give treatment for the needy patients. Providing of healthy hygiene food accommodation, laundry and other services in this campus for the inpatients.


At SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, free palliative care is provided to advanced all kinds of diseases for whom there is no cure. By bringing together compassion and palliative care, we strive to make their lives pain-free and comfortable, as they spend their remaining days in the idyllic surroundings of the hospice.

For admission in the SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, patient must have:

  1. Diseases confirming
  2. Certificate from treating doctor/hospital confirming patient not on any active curative
  3. Confirmation from the caregiver on his / her responsibility towards patient


Our patient care plan is holistic in nature. It brings together medical care, emotional and spiritual care, and a social support system for patients and their families. Apart from the alleviation of physical suffering, the patients are supported with counselling and various psychological methods to guide them through this extremely difficult time. Each patient’s care-plan also addresses the emotional and psychological needs of the family or caregivers.

Our Care-Plan Includes:

  1. Symptom Management
  2. Counselling
  3. Physiotherapy / Mobilization
  4. Diversion Therapy
  5. Family Counselling
  6. Empowerment of the family in taking care of the
  7. Home care support for patients discharged from SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, and those residing within Bangalore City Limits



If anything can help any diseases patients to feel better, it would be comfortable beautiful and well-designed 40 bed in-patient facility at SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE,. Here, patients are admitted with the objective of alleviating pain and other distressing symptoms. Our team of Palliative Care professionals is trained to deal with the psychological and spiritual needs of the patients. The nursing staff is especially competent in handling their intensive minute-to-minute physical requirements. Together, they form a formidable support system that is difficult for patients’ families to provide in their homes during the hospitalization. Thus with the care of SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, well-trained and competent team of doctors, nurses, family counsellors, physiotherapists, volunteers and administrative staff, they begin to heal spiritually and to come to terms with their illness.


SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, as the distinction of being the first hospice in India to provide free home-care for terminally ill / diseased  patients. With our home care services being highly sought after, we have deployed multiple teams who travel through the city to provide home care services. Each home care team consists of multi-disciplinary nurses, a physiotherapist, a health assistant and a social worker for giving palliative care including counselling and non- curative treatment. Our home care programme is a testimony to our flexible approach in palliative care, focused on the patient’s need for comfort.


  • Relevant Medical reports confirming the diagnosis of dieses
  • Reference Letter for admission
  • A copy of Aadhar card
  • Caregiver is advised to bring all the medical reports during the time of inpatient/OPD/Daycare admission
  • Admission slip if given


Caregivers are as important to us as our patients. At SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, we offer specialized knowledge and support that can reduce anxiety in both the terminally ill patients and their families by helping them make the most of the time remaining and achieve some level of acceptance. Our caring team helps caregivers and families to deal with the complex and varied physical, emotional and practical consequences of their loved one’s illness. We work closely with them to make sure they get the much needed support.


There are times in our lives when it is helpful to talk to someone about what is on our minds or what is troubling us. Sometimes you want someone who really understands where you are coming from and not just a friend with a sympathetic ear. Coming to a counselling session gives you time and space to talk about what is important to you. Spending time with a professional counsellor can help you to explore your feelings and express your thoughts and emotions in a safe and confidential environment.

  • Individual Counselling
  • Family Counselling
  • Home-care Counselling
  • Grief and Bereavement Counselling
  • Psycho-Education
  • Group Therapy
  • Diversion – Art & Craft, Games, Movies, books
  • Spiritual support
  • Networking (NGOs)


  • When there is no hope for a cure, care with dignity makes the difference. To ensure that the care rendered is of highest standards, dedicated professionals of SRI SAIRAM KARUNASARE, provides in- patient facilities and home-care services. Patient’s needs and preferences, along with the professional advice from our doctors decide in choosing the right option between the two. All efforts are made to alleviate pain and distress of the patients, through medical care which meets international standards. This is complemented with the emotional, spiritual and social support for patients and their families. By bringing in moral, psychological and logistic support for the family of each patient, we ensure the care a patient receives is a compassionate one. Guided by the medical professionals of SRI SAIRAM KARUASARE, every aspect of our palliative care aims to add life to the days of each patient.


    • Patient with good symptom
    • Patient who wants to spend the last days at
    • Discharge at
    • Non-compliance with
    • Patients/ Caretaker causing nuisance or trouble to staff or
    • Some patients need help after they leave the hospital. With proper planning and guidance to the caregiver, many patients can leave earlier and stay comfortably at home. All members of the health care team are responsible for helping with the discharge planning


  • The medical team headed by the doctor will determine when a patient may be discharged. The discharge process is as follows: While discharge timing will vary from patient to patient, please be aware that it may occur as early as 10 AM, and we advise patients to make transportation arrangements accordingly. In addition, due to the nature of the process, the discharge time may be significantly later in the day and we appreciate the patient and family’s flexibility regarding scheduling transportation.

    • On the day of discharge, patient or a family member should meet the Our hospital is open from 8:00 AM. to 7:00 PM. Monday through Saturday. The doctor will issue a discharge slip.
    • Before leaving, please be sure all instructions regarding medications or follow-up office visits are clearly
    • Please check all drawers, cabinets, and nightstands before leaving and make sure no belongings are left behind. The hospital will not be responsible for any personal property left behind. Also, remember to claim any valuables that were kept in the hospital safe by presenting the valuables receipt to the
    • When you are ready to leave, hospital personnel will escort you to the
    • If someone is picking you up, they can park in the parking garage while assisting with your
    • Please remember Discharge is part of the whole process of providing comfort and caring for the patient according to his/her
    • There is no discharge initiated on Sundays and Government


  • OPIOID is available only if the patient is seen by an In-house doctor for pain management. Strict WHO criteria (Pain Ladder) are followed. The patient has to be admitted for at least a day, for starting morphine or any other opioid.

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